Watching the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham was not the most interesting debate in the world, although it was far better than any political debate. One issue that Bill Nye kept bringing up was if creationism is valid then why do many Christians not believe in it. Why do some Christians deny a literal Biblical account of creation and accept evolution, either the scientific model or what many call theistic evolution; the idea that God did create but used evolution as the means of getting to the human race. Both are poppycock. But Bill Nye is correct. Many Christians flat out will not believe that evolution is false. They believe that Jesus is the saviour but believe that the earth is old; proven by science and backed by scripture to be old. The age of the earth is one of the biggest arguments between the two sides which from here on out will be known as YE (young earth) and OE (old earth). YE says that the earth is 6000 years old. OE says that the earth is 13.4 billion years old.
One major issue that causes the disagreement is the issue of the fall of man. OE believes that death of living organisms have happened from the beginning. They read into scripture that Genesis is not a literal meaning of creation but is just a modified story of God's evolutionary method. They claim that the first few verses are actually billions of years and therefore death had to happen because nothing can live for billions of years. They would also add that there may have been two types of man that had been created. The first being man-like and that is why we have "neanderthal", "cro-magnon", and "homo erectus". The second one being Adam. They use as their foundation the two different stories in Genesis 1:27.
- 27 So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.
and Genesis 2:7
- 7 Then Adonai, God, formed a person from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that he became a living being.
But the following explains the flaw in the idea that there were two creations: The Book of Genesis. Do not misunderstand what these are saying. There may be two stories but one creation. When you read the whole passage from Genesis 1 notice it says in the "image" and "likeness", not to be exactly like God (spirit). This explains that we were not created as spiritual beings without bodily form. And from the whole passage in Genesis 2 we are actually created as physical beings. Two stories, one creation. We were made to interact with the earth with a body that can touch and were given bodily shells to house the same feelings God may have e.g., love in a heart, ideas in a brain, and so forth. YE believes that death was not part of creation but part of man's choice in the Garden of Eden. Death only came when man fell.
Here is why YE is more valid if you are a Christian: Jesus came and died for everyone. Why did He die? Because man sinned and needed redemption to find his way back to God. Man sinned because he showed disobedience to God's word. Disobedience is what sin is. If you disobey God, no matter what it is or what YOU believe, it is still sin and needs to be taken care of. God walked with man (Adam) and talked with man. He had a personal relationship with Him. But when man disobeyed the relationship was destroyed. Death had entered the genome of mankind. Man's immortality in Paradise was lost. His bloodline was ruined. If the earth was old and death entered before sin then sin did not cause death and Genesis is a lie. But since sin did bring death Jesus was needed to bring man back to God. Sin brought death, Jesus brings life. There was no death before man sinned. Therefore there was no death in the first six days of creation. So if there no was death in the first six days then these days could not equal 13.4 billion years.
This is not a Lesson about disproving or rejecting science, but evolution theory only. Science is worthy to use and needed to discover. But evolution theory in any account is not compatible with creation or reality.
This is not a Lesson about disproving or rejecting science, but evolution theory only. Science is worthy to use and needed to discover. But evolution theory in any account is not compatible with creation or reality.